Sains Malaysiana 53(8)(2024): 1859-1872


Pemencilan dan Pencirian Spesies Vibrio Berpotensi Patogen daripada Air Balast di Pelabuhan Malaysia Terpilih

(Isolation and Characterization of Potentially Pathogenic Vibrio Species from Ballast Water in Selected Malaysian Ports)




1Jabatan Sains Biologi dan Bioteknologi, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

2Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

3UKM Culture Collection (UKMCC), Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Received: 12 December 2023/Accepted: 27 June 2024



Kemasukan Vibrio melalui air balast boleh meningkatkan populasi Vibrio sedia ada di perairan tempatan, justeru meningkatkan risiko jangkitan Vibrio pada manusia dan haiwan marin. Selain itu, ia boleh mengganggu ekosistem marin tempatan melalui persaingan spesies asli dan mengubah komuniti mikrob. Walau bagaimanapun, maklumat berkaitan risiko pelepasan spesies patogen bawaan air balast khususnya Vibrio spp. di Malaysia masih terhad. Oleh itu, kajian ini dilakukan untuk menciri dan mengenal pasti spesies Vibrio berpotensi patogen dari air balast daripada kapal-kapal kargo yang berlabuh di Pelabuhan Klang dan Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas. Pengenalpastian awal Vibrio daripada sampel air balast dilakukan berdasarkan ujian pewarnaan Gram, oksidase, katalase, fermentasi glukosa, motiliti dan kerentanan terhadap agen vibrio statik O129. Selain itu, pencirian faktor terkait dengan kevirulenan seperti hemolisis, protease, lipase, pembentukan biolapisan serta ujian kerintangan antibiotik juga dilakukan. Pencilan Vibrio yang menunjukkan ciri kevirulenan kemudiannya dikenal pasti berdasarkan agar kromogenik dan penjujukan gen 16S rRNA. Hasilnya, sebanyak 154 pencilan Vibrio telah disaring dan 24 daripadanya menunjukkan tindak balas positif terhadap kesemua faktor kevirulenan yang diuji serta mempunyai nilai indeks Antibiotik Pelbagai Rintang (MAR) > 0.2. Pencirian gen 16S rRNA telah mengenal pasti kesemua 24 Vibrio spp. sebagai V. alginolyticus (n=16), V. fluvialis (n=7) dan V. harveyi (n=1). Kesimpulannya, kehadiran spesies Vibrio berpotensi patogen daripada air balast jelas menunjukkan bahawa kapal yang berlabuh di Pelabuhan Klang dan Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas berisiko memindah masuk spesies berpotensi patogen daripada perairan luar ke dalam perairan tempatan.


Kata kunci: Air balast; patogen; spesies invasif; Vibrio spp.



The introduction of Vibrio through ballast water can increase the existing Vibrio population in local waters, thereby increasing the risks of Vibrio-related infections in humans and marine animals. Additionally, it can disrupt local marine ecosystems through competition with native species and altering microbial communities. However, information related to the risk of ballast water-borne pathogenic species release, particularly Vibrio spp. in Malaysia is still limited. Therefore, this study was conducted to characterize and identify potentially pathogenic Vibrio species from ballast water discharged from cargo ships anchored in Port Klang and Port Tanjung Pelepas. Initial identification of Vibrio from ballast water samples was based on Gram staining, oxidase, catalase, glucose fermentation, motility, and susceptibility to O129 static vibrio agent. In addition, the characterization of factors related to virulence such as hemolysis, protease, lipase, biolayer formation and antibiotic resistance tests were also performed. Vibrio isolates showing virulent characteristics were then identified based on chromogenic agar and 16S rRNA gene analysis. As a result, a total of 154 Vibrio isolates were screened and 24 of them showed a positive response to all the virulence factors tested and had Multiple Antibiotic Resistance (MAR) index value > 0.2. Characterization of the 16S rRNA gene identified all 24 Vibrio spp. as V. alginolyticus (n=16), V. fluvialis (n=7) and V. harveyi (n=1). In conclusion, the presence of potentially pathogenic Vibrio species from ballast water clearly shows that ships anchored in Port Klang and Port Tanjung Pelepas are at risk of transferring potentially pathogenic species into local waters.


Keywords: Ballast water; invasive species; pathogen; Vibrio spp.



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